Photo by Ivan Bandura on Unsplash


Gregory D Esau
7 min readAug 14, 2020


A Digital Citizen’s Ecosystem Strategy for Solving Traffic Worldwide.

The Year: 2040

The greatest shift in human history, digital transformation, is maturing.

In The past twenty years since a group of strangers united around the bold strategy of using high performance networks to orchestrate ecosystems around the problem of solving traffic for cities and citizens, civil society has evolved from one based on the last vestiges of the industrial economy to that of the age of strategic networks.

What took the industrial revolution 250 years to transform the agrarian age to that of the modern economy, the digital transformation has taken place in 75 years, with an explosive breakthrough in the last 20 years.

The Digital Citizen’s Ecosystem Strategy has resulted in taking the world-wide problem of traffic congestion, which in 2020 was costing cities and society billions of dollars, by turning these natural networks into a high performance strategic network called Traffnetic that would turn traffic management into the most valuable platform in the world.

With thousands of cities and 3 billion people using the Traffnetic platform worldwide, the global economy has seen growth and sustainability like no other period in history.

With traffic congestion a thing of the past, an unmatchable safety record, and the liberation of humanity’s full potential, cities and the performance networks that Traffnetic orchestrates, have become the hubs of innovation, the prima facie measure of the economy’s health, superseding that of the industrial age corporation.

With this historical shift, climate science could project a net benefit from the daily economic activity of humans, the dawning of a truly measurable sustainable economy.

In the end, The strategy of ecosystems orchestrated High performance networks in platform based markets simply outcompeted these outdated business models and the systems that worked so well in the industrial era.

The Age of the Designer Economy had truly arrived.

The consensus among historians and business academia was that this historical period of transformation was predominantly the result of a meeting of minds and purpose of a seasoned group of digital professionals — young and old, women and men, white collar and blue collar, people from across the city, from every neighbourhood of the metropolis of Vancouver; and an unknown ecosystem strategist named Gregory Esau, in the summer of 2020.

This group was the type of people to work their way up from the bottom to the tops of their profession.

They were originals, not copies. Not copies of copies of copies.

They were mavericks who had a different vision of how the world could really be, and they knew where the problems were.

They knew that by reshaping urban mobility, the future would be transformed, and citizens the world over would be shaping that future.

They all shared that indomitable will to succeed in bringing this vision to full fruition.

This is the story of how this historic summer of 2020 changed the course of history.

Summer: 2020

A global pandemic caused by the Covid-19 virus has exposed the cracks in the economy. Hundreds of millions of consumers worldwide were being crippled by this pandemic. Massive influxes of government printed money were keeping corporations afloat, but cities and their citizens were hurting badly. Realistically, there was no end in sight.

While digital transformation had been greatly accelerated, the new breed of ecosystem strategists and designers who held no allegiance to an outdated economy viewed this period of transformation as “digitally enhanced horses”.

The real issue was the entrenched incentives of the corporate hierarchical system, and the financial markets that depended on this entrenchment.

Platforms were already the most valuable properties in the world by this time, and making record profits during the pandemic of 2020. The seeds of radical digital disruption and transformation were firmly rooted and sprouting globally.

Even as some firms made rapid moves towards a digital competence that would keep them in the race, none of these platforms represented the world as it could be.

“Urban Mobility” had already been a much talked about topic for the last decade, and for good reason. Technology and shifting norms and habits were rapidly changing the playing field for all auto manufacturers and their market base.

Autonomous vehicles and connective technology were advancing rapidly enough for some futurists to claim this technology would replace drivers by the early 2020’s.

For the nouveau power from Silicon Valley, who were unquestionably shaping the future of society, their platforms “eating the world”, the future was bright indeed.

For the digitally educated citizen, there were clouds on this horizon.
Storm clouds.

These meta platforms were concentrating power as never before, and citizens were giving away their digital data for dubious compensation. Of greater concern, was the utter waste of the most valuable resource on the planet: our time, our attention. What was truly tragic, was how social media and political opportunism was turning the world’s citizens against each other.
We had become lavishly consumed by materialistic goods, vanity, and the sound of our voices.

During the dawning of the age of the internet in 1990, the promise of this global interconnected network was that it would unite and free us as never before.

However, by the summer of 2020 Digital Colonialism has squelched this potential for 95% of the population. Financialism has further focused the fruits of our labour into a paltry 1%.

And the world was gripped by hatred, systematic racism, collapsing ice shields, cartoonish governance, poor leadership, poor management, and shrinking morale and engagement.

All this while in the grips of a global pandemic of the like the world hadn’t experienced in a century.

Capitalism had been completely bastardized compared to the canons of Adam Smith. Capitalism’s Bible, The Wealth of Nations was greedily distorted to the point that Smith would collapse in horror if he were to witness today how his work has been so thoroughly blasphomonied.

Democracy was no better. The will of the people had long ago been abandoned in favour of the corporate citizen, a beast custom bred to exploit every last resource on earth, while sticking citizens with the cleanup costs and the dubious working relationship with this corporate beast.

The economy was flatlined, and the digitally educated citizen had dwindling options of where to go.

Something had to change at the systematic level.

The Fall of 2020 — The Digital Citizen Strikes Back

My fellow digital citizen.

We need to stake a stand, and we need to take a stand now.

We are that group of people from 2040 who lit the fire within digital citizens in cites the world over that sparked the real digital revolution that would totally transform the economy.

We are the mavericks who are going to lead the way in taking back what is rightfully ours:

The Digital Economy.

We are the ones who are going to write this story.

My name is Gregory D Esau,

and I have devoted the last 25 years of my life, and 80% of the money I’ve ever made into learning how to use networks to transform the economy to that of one that puts citizens at the center of the economy.

I believe that citizens everywhere need to realize this indomitable fact:
We Are The Economy

A citizen owned and operated economy is the centerpiece of our Digital Citizen’s Ecosystem Strategy for Solving Traffic.

By learning to solve for traffic, we will learn how to use our networks to take control over our ability to shape our future as we want it.

Not Wall St.

Not Silicon Valley.

Digital Citizens.

I am looking for leaders from all walks of life in the greater Vancouver area who will band together into this group of mavericks that will take us to where the world can be by 2040.

A group of digital mavericks who have what it takes to change the course of history.

And we are going to learn how to do this by learning how to seed and grow our natural civic networks of digital citizens from cities worldwide into a high performance network of networks that is so intelligent, so effective, it self manages traffic.

For these leaders throughout the world, by mastering the skills of ecosystem orchestration, you will have the skills that will combine the industrial era CEO and the Digital Entrepreneur, into that of the Mastery of Ecosystem Orchestration. This is the critical skill needed to lead strategy and execution in the age of digital networks.

Platforms Have Eaten The World
Networks Will Now Devour Platforms

Platforms are only a means of channelling networks into corporate profit.

By learning to build and own our transportation network, Traffnetic, our own strategic networks will make the corporate structure and its malignant power base, completely unnecessary.

Networks can perform at a much higher level if removed from the systematic straightjacket of the corporation, and the greed and oppression of the old boys networks that run them.

We will learn to see that networks really make the global economy work, not corporations, not political parties.

These two entities take their disproportion cut of the pie while costing the network productivity.

To put this another way, corporations and political meddling are making we the people less productive.

High Performance Networks flowing through Strategically Orchestrated Ecosystems will create a huge leap in productivity not seen since the post-WWII years.

Innovation will be unleashed without the crippling effects of corporate hierarchies.

We will learn as Masters of Ecosystem Orchestration how to use the Traffnetic platform to attract a network around ever finer pieces of the ecosystem, a continuous regenerative process of exploration and exploitation.

The profits from this massive leap in productivity? They go back into the pockets of the people who create and manage it. That means our cities, our communities, our neighbourhoods, our streets, our properties. Exactly where it belongs.

We’re in control of our physical and digital properties. Not the corporations. Not the governments.

As I like to put it, “We are the dog, they are the tail.” They will exist, but we run the show, they work for us.

Sound Good?

Then pledge to join:
Traffnetic: The Global Digital Citizen’s Ecosystem Strategy For Managing Traffic

Take the pledge and start today to see how you can design your best role in growing this citizen driven network for economic prosperity and freedom!

Email me at and let’s get building!



Gregory D Esau

Crowdfunding the Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform for hosting the Ecosystems of Humanity