The Quantum Reality Show: Las Vegas!!

Gregory D Esau
3 min readApr 2, 2024


Photo by Jordon Conner on Unsplash

Quantum Reality Show: Las Vegas!
The Making of the Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform

We’re Seeking Ecosystem Partnerships for the Quantum Reality Show:
Las Vegas!

Hello, Las Vegas!!

My name is Gregory D. Esau.

Thirty Years in the making, I am incredibly excited to be bringing my mind bending Quantum Reality Show: The Making of The Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform to Las Vegas.

The world’s first platform designed to capture the staggering potential of digitalized urban ecosystems through a global network of city franchises using the principles of quantum mechanics and evolutionary biology.

I have chosen Las Vegas as the ideal pioneering city to marry the transformational power of Quantum Fields Intelligence with its native Field Intelligence to unleash the $70–100 trillion new market potential McKinsey & Company projects the Ecosystem Economy to generate in the coming decades.

What is Quantum Fields Intelligence?

Why Las Vegas?

How the heck does this even work?

These are all answers and more that my Co-Host and I will explore and experience through the Quantum Reality Show, while engaging with the people of Las Vegas and intelligent, like minded urbanites the worldover.

With a market potential of 1.5 billion daily users by the 2030s, we will learn just how explosive, sustainable growth can be with locally owned city franchises interconnected with 1.5 billion of the best people in their business on the Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform.

How to Seed a QFI Franchise

This is what Las Vegas is going to just love about this model!

Every city has the seeds within itself to design and develop its own franchise using the QFI Platform.

What great platform architecture and strategy does is makes the impossible possible, it’s inviting, drawing people into unforgettable user experiences, it uses the city’s own native intelligence to develop its own ecosystem and platform simultaneously using a proprietary and exciting event driven process.

And the Quantum Reality Show will be your daily guide into this incomparable journey as the Quantum Era arrives, a multi-sensory explosion that has to be experienced to be believed!

I am reaching out to the great citizens of Las Vegas to become part of a select Quantum Group of Las Vegas Ecosystem Partnership Program for supporting the staging and production of the Quantum Reality Show.

We are looking for courageous people who:

  • Want to define their industry for the future
  • Who are articulate, multi-talented dynamos looking for ways to extend their unique brand, talents and personality along with their field/industry. The QFI Platform covers 18 sectors intrinsic to urban vitality. You belong there somewhere!
  • Relish being part of entertaining, autonomous, high performance “Team Vegas” teams
  • Relish being part of a group of pioneering people and growing a co-owned platform into a powerful local and global brand
  • Community oriented, salt of the earth, proud to represent the City of Las Vegas and the hopes of people the world over
  • Who together, can support the first generation Quantum Reality Show Studio through our unique quid pro quo franchise ownership model
  • You like the idea of making history

Benefits include:

  • Quantum Leadership Skills. There isn’t a leader in the world that couldn’t use these skills. Synched with high growth urban ecosystems with the QFI platform’s architecture and economic principles, leaders who want to define the next generation will separate themselves from the pack
  • Personal Performance Ecosystem. Make no mistake, ecosystems are the future. The QFI Platform is the only platform and growth model where you can develop “Personal Performance Ecosystems” for generating maximum impact in expanding your playing fields
  • Co-Branding. As the QFI Platform moves from trials into live field conditions, thousands of high trust brands will be coming onboard, creating multitudes of Co-Branding opportunities to extend your “Starfish” into new market opportunities.

I am coming from Vancouver Canada and I am looking to be set up in Las Vegas by mid-May and getting this model on the fastrack to growth and revenues.

With distributed start-up costs, there simply isn’t a more economical model for creating a platform with multi-trillion dollar market potential.

The future goes to the bold!

Join me and my Co-Host in Orchestrating the economic revolution the world is waiting for!



Gregory D Esau

Crowdfunding the Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform for hosting the Ecosystems of Humanity