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The Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform

Gregory D Esau
21 min readOct 8, 2023


One Platform, One Ecosystem, A United World

The Quantum Enterprise Shaping Our Future Prosperity Through Ecosystem Orchestration

Strategy Orientation Sheet for Investors/Sponsor/Partners (this is your essential guide for effective ownership and contribution to our metro franchises and investment returns)

We are gathered here today to learn why competing at the platform level is absolutely an essential strategic competency in the age of Artificial Intelligence, Networks, Platforms, and Ecosystems.

These are the Four Forces shaping our future, for better or worse.

Any and every organisation alive today that does not understand these Four Forces with a strategy to orchestrate them as Ecosystems through high performance networks to create exceptional customer value will lose to those who do.

To most strategists, this is the end game.

As an ecosystem strategist, I am here to share with metro franchise ownership groups and corporations in cities the world over the deeper secrets to the increasing returns of the Four Force Strategy and the keys for unlocking the $80–100 Trillion in currently unrealized value that is moribound by the poor performing and poorly conceived first generation of platform based ecosystems.

We will see these first gen platforms for what they really are, experiments. As in James Watt’s steam engine was only the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, not the end. The game is still very, very early in the Digital Revolution.

The secret?

Mesh Capitalism.

The Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform will be the first platform to combine digital properties with physical properties into an all encompassing data ownership mesh that weaves throughout the global economy.

Property Ownership has been the backbone to economic development and cities for thousands of years.

Property ownership is what brought Europe out of the dark ages of feudalism and set the stage for the Industrial Revolution and the greatest leap forward in human history.

Digital Property Development and Ownership will do for the Quantum era what Real estate ownership did for the Industrial era, setting the stage for a “quantum leap” in productivity, exponential and distributed wealth creation and a rise in the standards of living for eight billion people in a tenth of the time it took Industrial revolutions to accomplish.

This is Capitalism and Democracy with an Operating System made for the 21st Century.

This is the key to unlocking a tsunami in the productivity of networks in ways that no other platform based ecosystems will.

This is the key to the tens of trillions of dollars of new wealth creation that the first-gen platforms are incapable of.

Whereas first-gen platforms undermined capitalism and democracy, the Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform will strengthen capitalism, free markets and democracy like never before in history.

Caveat: The Philosophy, Science, & Technology that underpin the foundation of this platform and its ability to deliver new value creation gets dizzyingly deep and broad incredibly quickly.
“Complex” is an understatement. We are designing intelligent, living systems for exceptional performance in the Orchestration of our Ecosystems. This is an Elite Level Strategy at the local and global level.
It is for this reason we will dive straight into the realm of Quantum Space. It is here where we will spend our most productive time.
If this sounds spooky, it isn’t.
This is what the world’s best performers think of as “The Zone”.
Zone Time is Peak Performance Time.

Quantum Reality and How the Universe/World Really Works

In what we will universally now refer to as the Material World, where we all make our living, we are amazing. We are not here to quibble or interfere with your business and life in the Material World.

However, “up here”, as I like to say, in Quantum Space, where the secrets to unlocking the exceptional value of digital ecosystems lie hidden in plain sight, the rules for life and work here are remarkably different. Put simply, what works “down there”, will not work “up here”. The harder you try to apply your material self in the quantum space, the worse you will make everyone off.

Rule One: “What Quantum Mechanics forces us to confront is the yawning chasm between what we think we see, and what really is.”

What this means in practice is this:

There is only learning and applying in real time. The game is always in motion. It never, ever stops. Life is continuously evolving in a state of flow.
Competing at this Elite Quantum Level means how best to orchestrate the flow for best creating increasing returns. By this we mean the flow of everything. Measuring the performance and health of flow in streams is the only meaningful metric there is.

Rule Two: “Materials” up here work differently than “materials” down there. See Rule One.

These two simple rules will allow us to dominate in the real world of complexity.

Quantum means probabilistic and non-determinism ‘states’ until “the present moment”.

Classical (physics and economics) means predictable and deterministic ‘states’ of “the future moment”.

All work involving humans and consuming choices (goods, services, information, etc) is probabilistic. Meaning, the exact state of the system — the “organisation” (household, business, government, etc) — can only be known in the “moment”.
“States” cannot be predicted ahead of time, nor fully ‘understood’ in reflecting backwards upon a past state due to ‘noise’ and decoherence. Each agent (human) will have a different interpretation of past or future states. No matter how clean or prevalent the data regarding the past, or the future, no compilation of information can fully account for all the probabilities that go into any particular moment of a “consumable choice”.

In plain English, no authority, expertise, or title can have absolute providence or clarity of past or future events.

This covers the “Quantum Complexity” aspect of our platform for now.

Quantum Fields and Ecosystems: Information Processing in Probabilistic Environments

To be clear, we are designing living systems. Which, understandably, are significantly different from the mechanical approach to designing material world organisations.

Quantum mechanics works through waves and fields. How, exactly, is the question that interests us most.

The simple rule of thumb is this: the Universe was “quantum from the start”, this means everything around us, every single, solitary atom works through the principles of self organisation in quantum fields.

By ‘everything’ here, we mean “EVERYTHING”. Starting with Atoms.

To be succinct, there is no other reliable ‘theory’ as to how “we” got “here” from clouds of gases some 13.6 billion years ago.

Put simply, all “reality” as we can observe, is here through the principles of quantum mechanics and the four fundamental forces: gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear forces, and strong nuclear forces

In living systems governed by quantum mechanics, our main concern in terms of performance and unique value creation will be what the science calls “agents”, and for our purposes we call “people”.

In the lexicon of our intelligence networks, we will refer to these people as “Agent Based Intellectual Property Application Actors”, which in economic terms is our super-upgraded “Homo Economicus” from the Neoclassical playbook.

Ecosystems don’t work from the “top down” or “bottom up”. Quantum Space has no such distinctions and this is generally why everyone gets this wrong. Again, material ideologies and the Newtonian concepts of how things “work” are antithesis to performance in living systems and exponential returns on productivity within ecosystems. (We will get into quantum entanglement on the fly.)

While industrial systems squeeze the “agent” to reduce costs (and this is not a screed against these business practices in the Material World), quantum systems create additional value to any system by increasing the value of the field agent.

All performance in ecosystems is a result of agent based modelling, and orchestration.

This is the difference between, say, the Philadelphia Philharmonic Orchestra, and chimpanzees with the same instruments.

Which is to say, that the difference between us and our closest relatives for making the music that moves us to tears is vast.

Put simply, the strategy and performance in platforms and ecosystems is directly correlated with the quality of our musicians, aka Field Agents.

The field is the only place that matters. This is where the game is played, not in the owner’s box, or the sidelines where the coaches are, or where the GMs are, or where the media stands.

To repeat, the Field is the only place where true performance and flow count. Everyone and everything else is in service of performance on the fields.

Quantum Fields is central to how we achieve this supremacy over our competitor platforms.

Intelligence, by Nature’s Design.

Up here, we make a distinction between natural intelligence and artificial intelligence. Make no mistake, we will employ machine learning throughout the platform in order to understand our ecosystem and where to best deploy resources and field agents.

Performance in the field means having extraordinary intelligence of conditions in the environment for orchestrating “plays” and operations.

This is where I will introduce ownership and management to our proprietary architecture of Swarm Intelligence and SmartSwarms Proformance Equosystems.

Our Swarm Intelligence is derived through the Keystone Knowledge Network Domain Topography, which is Field Agent based intelligence filtered and orchestrated through Particle Swarm Optimisation for applications in fluid field conditions where the game is in a constant state of flow.

“States” are never static, there is only constant flow.

This is the only reliable way to consistently remove bias (an individual’s interpretation of events) from influencing intelligence in making decisions in the present moment.

Intelligence can only be “pulled” and not “pushed”.

Guardians over multi-agent organisations (CEO of a Firm, for example) can only best provide a system for their agents (employees, contractors, etc) to pull the intelligence they need for any particular moment.

For the technically well informed, this is the principle behind “data mesh”.

SmartSwarms Proformance Equosystems is best thought of as a management system for Field Orchestrators to achieve above average performance in a fluid state of play.

For the purpose of Franchise Owners and Management, when we see the acronym “AI”, we will not ‘see’ artificial intelligence (which is exactly as it is labelled, “artificial”).

Instead we will see “Architectural Intelligence”.

In short, the ability to design plays and run opps in a fluid game is the defining difference of this “grand game of strategy at the platform level”.

Architectural Intelligence covers both real time intelligence and long term thinking. Exceptional performance consistently happens by design. All other performance is nothing but peaks and valleys.

We put the Intelligence in Ecosystems.

This is the only way to beat average over time, every time.

It is essential to note here, Quantum Space is about managing probabilities and batting average, or the betting average of probabilistic outcomes.

This is how free markets are supposed to work and corresponding investment portfolios.

Quantum Information Science dictates no future state can be determined or predicted based on past or present states of known information.

Digital Urban Platform Ecosystems: The Evolution of a Market Based Economy

All platforms are markets. Some are two sided, like Uber. Some are multi sided, like Amazon. Some are social, like Facebook, X (Twitter) or LinkedIn. Some are informational, like Google.

They work more relationally, more fluidly and and more autonomously, and are meant to reduce friction between the customer and their desired solution.

Platforms “democratise” access to information ostensibly to allow freedom of choice decoupled from authoritative restrictions of choice or options. An extreme example from the past, Henry Ford famously restricted the choices of consumers for the colour of their Model A’ and T’s to black.

These are all first generation versions. Demonstrably, they are also not capturing the value of digital ecosystems.

This is due to their original platform design to solve particular problems and deliver shareholder value.

The Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform is the only platform architecture based on thirty years of R&D immersed in the knowledge networks of the internet to capture the performance of Agent Based performance in all types of Ecosystems.

Our One Platform, One Ecosystem is an economy of hundreds of thousands of ecosystems united under the performance of the networks that naturally weave throughout the world.

What does this mean in terms of the customer?

Choices of product, service, information can be pulled and delivered independently of any given provider.
Providers that can work together as an “Ecosystem” can seamlessly “fill those orders” in an never ending variety of customised deliveries and payment schemes that remove all the friction of a provider’s “discoherence” of the present moment.

Ecosystems provide seamless goods, service, information delivery independently from the limits of any one provider can on their own. (I can get my Model T or A in any colour I want)

Cities are natural systems of goods, services and information in high density clustering of customers.

By organising cities as “ecosystems”, enormous gains through reduced costs and new value creation can be captured by a Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform in ways no other platform can.

For businesses, governments, taxpayers and consumers operating in cities, the benefits of such a system would be staggering in scope in terms of the net productivity and returns reinvested back into the economy.

Let’s break the platform down into the “properties” through which the platform creates and captures value contained in infinite “streams”.

SmartSwarms Proformance Equosystems

Smart Swarms are the elite league level of play in network performance. We aim to achieve Navy Seal levels of trust and execution in our performance.

There is no second place in our world.

When our clients bring our Smart Swarms into their game, they will expect the best, they will get the best.

Every single time.

For our economic objectives, SmartSwarms generate the highest levels of profit margins.

An Ecosystem Orchestrator’s performance is directly correlated to the quality of their Swarms and the types of situations they can improve.

Correspondingly, the ability of “the ecosystem” to support high performance Swarms will directly correlate to the health and performance of the ecosystem.

The Agents in Swarms are the best of the best elite “athletes” of the business world.

Think NHL, NFL, MLB, NBA, Premier League Football.

Our Motto:

“We solve problems no one else can”.

The Shop: The Core of Field Operations

The Shop is to the QFIP as the C-Suite is to a material world organisation. This is Mission Control. Think Langley, not GE.

Up here, we run field operations. A game in continuous, multi-dimensional, 24/7 flows.

All Core IP is created here.

Security and Agency here is “Pristine”. (when we fully comprehend the “Meshchain”, we will understand as close to Zero as possible breaching The Shop security will be.)

The Shop will be designed accordingly.

For the people behind the science & technology, this will also be known as “The Engine Room”.

The Garage: The “Breakfast Factory” (a nod to Andy Grove’s High Performance Management)

What the Assembly Line was to Henry Ford and the Ford Motor Company, The Garage will be to Franchise and Enterprise Performance.

This is the physical space where quantum worlds meet material worlds and the two are blended for maximum returns.

The Garage exists between the rainforests of exploration and the fields of exploitation.

Where “raw materials” are imbued with digital properties and turned into exceptional value flows to paying customers.

It is important to note in ecosystems, who is buying and who is selling is always in a “quantum state”, and makes no distinction of where one “is” in the ecosystem.

Quantum State is truly an “open market” of problems and solutions that are both interdependent and intrinsic to flow. Who owns the “problem” and who owns the “solution” is multi-dimensional.

The Best Players in the World, Play Here”.

The Eighteen Table Urban Economic Topography

The “!8T” topography is a key mapping system for understanding the metropolitan economy as a holistic ecosystem.

The general objective of these Tables is to use the topography to better understand interdependent connections to better weave the networks that will open up the windows for the business and government actors to see where new value creation can better benefit the customer and the health of the ecosystems as a whole.

As integrated into the platform’s other technologies, this will provide unprecedented detail and understanding of how these multidimensional economies really work.

Even as a stand alone product, this would be the most valuable sense making tool for digitally enabled economic transformation. A game changer in every sense of the term.

The 18T topography will be crucial to our comprehensive network visualisation systems vital to Ecosystem Orchestrator’s ability to create new value creation.

The International VillagE: The Future of Network Production

We cannot understate the relevance of the IVE to the future of cities.

We have all heard the Proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child”.

This is that Village.

There’s not a single component to this model I don’t get excited about, however, the IVE raises my excitement to a fever pitch.

I’ll frame this as a statement:

Civilisation as we know it will not make it past 2050 without this organisational supermodel.

The International VillagE is to the Ecosystem Economy what the Corporation was to the Industrial Economy.

The IVE is The Space and Place that makes ecosystem performance happen at local and global scales.

Mesh Capitalism: Agency and Ownership in the Ecosystem Economy

“Mesh” is a term we use to encapsulate our cloud strategy and how we configure our servers and server locations, which will be woven into the fabric of real estate.

It is this very woven “fabric” that will tie together real estate property with digital properties and all subsequent “digital twinning” projects.

I cannot possibly overstate the significance of this aspect of “property development”, “property management”, and property ownership for enriching the lives of people everywhere.

It is ‘here’ that quantum entanglement enters the picture.

When the Network is the means of production, who owns the means of production?


The Network owns the means of production.

Industrial Capitalism (fwiw, I identify as a “capitalist”) will not get us to an Ecosystem Economy.


Two concepts:

Property Ownership and Incentives.

When anyone belongs to our networks, everyone has an ownership stake in the means of production.

This will allow us to do things other platforms can’t even dream of.

This is our unassailable Agent Based “home field” advantage.

Only “loyal networks” of agents can deliver custom value streams (pull demand instead of push demand) whereas a hierarchical organisation cannot.

Put another way, the “networks” are loyal to the customer’s need over that of the hierarchy’s will to impose order on the system.

Firms that can decouple their networks from their hierarchy will outperform those that cannot.

Brands (that is, something that stands aside from who owns it) are more important than hierarchy in the world of artificial intelligence, networks, platforms and ecosystems.

The wise CEO will recognise this and manage their ‘fields’ accordingly.

We will not review the history of industrial capitalism and its factories here.

What we will touch upon is the Paradigm Shift between the industrial age governed by the sciences of Newton, predictability and certainty — the Age of Machines — to the digital age of Complexity, Quantum Physics, Complex Adaptive Systems and the self-organising principles that produced the Universe from clouds of gases, mainly helium and hydrogen, to a Universe that produced planet bound ecosystems, ecosystems that produced every single thing we see around us today, including the complex of Atoms staring back at you in the mirror.

Much like a Steam Engine will not produce a Quantum Computer, Industrial Capitalism will not produce an Ecosystem Economy.

To better understand Mesh Capitalism, let’s go back to the most productive period in human history, the post WWII period of approximately 1947 to 1967.

Property ownership and capital accumulation became the domain of the “Common Man” (sic).

How implicit or explicit this “social contract” was to the global economy that was ignited in post war America isn’t our point here, the Boom (babies and everything) was fueled by an optimism founded on the unmistakable sense everyone (race and gender aside) was getting ahead, and “owned” a piece of the pie that everyone was working together to bake.

In the 56 years hence, there is an argument to be made, it is only through breaking the ‘social contract’, financial engineering and “free money” interest rate policy that has limped the global economy through since then.

That argument rests on the granite like foundation of science that “Neoclassical Economics” is quite simply, wrong.

Like post WWII, the secret to unlocking the tens of trillions of dollars of unrealised value frozen in a moribund economic system, people must own the property, the servers, that capture and store economic value in the digital age.

Stated in plain English:

Those Who Own The Servers, Own The Future.

What we are devolving into today, Ladies and Gentlemen, is what is known as “Techno Feudalism”.

If I ask everyone and anyone to understand one thing about the reality of today’s world, it is Techno Feudalism, and its sibling, Digital Sharecropping.

In the Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform; people, governments, and businesses own the servers. Period. Everyone owns and contributes to the pie.

Not Tech Titans. Not “Walled Gardens”

It’s the key to making democracy work.

This is hands down, flatout, bottom line the most important principle for an equitable, distributed and sustainable economic future.

Wars, both hot and cold, have been fought for at least the last 150 years over this way of life.

Philosophers from Plato to Mill have put their minds to it.

For everyone involved with this project, you must understand the reality that we are in a battle for who owns our future.

Tech Titans?

Or We, the People?

To be blunt, we are currently losing this battle.

It is this choice that I am asking for you to decide upon today.

Sitting on the fence is an untenable option.

Keystone Science Based Technologies for Mesh Capitalism and the Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform

  • Keystone Knowledge Domain Network Topography.
    This is professional networking done right.
    We’ll begin with approximately 150 keystone knowledge domain networks, we’ll eventually get to approximately 150,000 by 2030 or so.
    An agent based Swarm Intelligence that will be unbeatable.
    KKDNT filters out all the bias, blindspots, ideologies, egos, turf protection and anything else that pollutes the Stream of Intel.
    Once established and engrained as part of the Platform’s networks, this will be very difficult to copy.
  • Geo-Spatial Liquid Neural Network Architecture.
    Drawing on bleeding edge neurological research, quantum computing, computer science, information theory and Quaternion Geometry, G-SLNNA will allow the network to measure, capture and protect the providence of agent based intellectual property development and applications.
    If this sounds like an agent based “global brain”, it is.
    If this sounds like an “accounting system” for the business of ecosystems, it is.
  • Swarm Intelligence and Particle Swarm Optimization
    The only natural intelligence of ecosystems.
    In concert with G-SLNNA, this architecture will provide a field level degree on “intel” to Smart Swarm agents that will be unrivalled anywhere in the world.
    For “Field Generals” (aka Orchestrators/CEOs), this is the only reliable way to differentiate your business applications from everything else.
    For the Top 5% Professional Agents, you will become the equivalent of the best paid athletes in elite leagues and competitions.
  • Meshchain and Quantum Fields (Entanglement)
    I could just briefly state that this is “blockchain done right”, but this would understate the vast difference between the architecture that distinguishes Meshchain from Blockchain and its steam engine like derivatives of Bitcoin, Ethereum, etcetera.
    This requires a deeper dive into just exactly what is “currency”.
    Currency reduces transaction costs in open markets.
    Are we out to replace “fiat currency”. Absolutely NOT.
    Meshchain and its ‘currency’ is designed to facilitate transactions in the flows and streams of Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform ecosystems.
    Fundamentally, “ecosystem” markets are quite different from “open” markets.
    Ecosystems form high trust, high performance networks (SmartSwarms) where the performance of the “Swarm” supersedes that of the individual, thus “currency” is also a store of reputation and performance in Swarms.
    Just like a “dollar” can’t tell the difference between an excellent homebuilding crew and a poor one, a “dollar” denoted value can’t tell you the difference between the agent based intellectual property application players and Swarms you need and the ones you don’t need. In real time.
    Dollar based reputation systems and individual reward incentives over that of the needs of network performance in ecosystems is the number one impediment to capturing the trillions upon trillions of unrealized value gridlocked today.
    Meshchain is not a universal currency, like the US dollar is.
    It is a currency that allows highly fluid transactions and “value capture” in SmartSwarms Proformance Equosystems.

The Global League of Cities: A Franchise Model for Metropolitan based Ecosystems

The City as an Ecosystem of Goods & Services Franchise

Cities are the economy’s most important “unit” of organisation.
Is this a bias? Because I love cities?

Again, science to the rescue.

Cites begat the economy, not the other way around.
Put another way, take cities out of our historic equations, and pretty much nothing you see around us today would exist.

Nothing in the Universe captures the full value of people than cities.
You throw a dart at any advanced civilization anywhere in the Universe, you will hit a city.
You cannot get to civilization without cities.

To put this in our modern understanding of the world

Cities are to the civilised economy what ecosystems are to the natural world, a global ecology that supports intelligent life.

The Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform will capture and exploit this undeniable phenomenon like no other platform in existence today.

The Global League of Cities will provide a counterbalance and a pure “Quantum Reality” view of how the economy really produces and captures value for investors to make the wise choices of investment the world needs if we are to make it to the other side of 2050.

This supplements individual incentives with with incentives for Swarm Intelligence and applications for an equitable, distributed, sustainable and stable evolutionary state (this is NOT *EQUILIBRIUM) global economy. What we are aiming for is “Antifragile”, as per the work of Nassim Nicholas Taleb

For Franchise Owners and Investors coming onboard at this stage of the game, this means owning a piece of all the “franchise properties” that will go into the making of the Global League of Cities running on the Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform and its proprietary O/S. Think Microsoft, circa 1980.

Functionally, whatever Big Tech can do, we can do much better.

Conceptually, this is not unlike The Delian League of ancient Greece.

*The Equilibrium of Neoclassical economics is a fallacy and not coherent with complexity economics. A stable evolutionary state should be thought of as protecting the flow of evolution in ecosystems from bad actor interference.

How To Design and Develop Metropolitan AI, Networks, Platforms and Ecosystems:
The Event Driven Urban Digital Equosystem Design & Development Series

Drawing on the best practices of software development, Domain Driven Design and “Eventstorming”, we bring the stupefying complexity of the last few thousands words down into the tiniest of baby steps: Day One, Week One. Rinse and Repeat.

It is this process that we will follow for the next few thousand weeks that will take the Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform from the “drawing boards” and into the homes, businesses and governments worldwide in two decades, or one business cycle.

For Franchise Ownership and Investors of all stripes, it is in the investment and “village” support of this D&D Series and Evolutionary Process that is the difference between a White Elephant and saving the world from eating itself.

To start a multi-trillion dollar platform, all we need is a “proto-Shop” and support the week by week investment process by following the drawings, details and Mega-Event phase shift transitions, with myself and highly selected teams of teams (SmartSwarms) to oversee the growth and performance matched specifications.

In Summary

Platform based Ecosystems are by far the hardest platform to get started. I have thirty years into this venture, I can tell you without rancour or hyperbole, this is undoubtedly true.

The line between genius and crazy at this level is thin.

Where I stand on this divide is up to you.

I do not base my devotion to this cause on belief alone. I base it 100% in the science as we know it today.

Science, like Life itself, is in a constant state of evolution. If it wasn’t, we wouldn’t be here.

What does it take to learn how to do what we are going to do?

As it turns out, I am the answer to that question.

Unwavering dedication to the mastercraft of platform and ecosystems architecture, design and development.

Around thirty years in the knowledge networks and communities of the internet.

Around 5,000 of the world’s best free thinkers weaved through neurodiversity, peer merit while filtering out the biases, authority, power, money and everything that pollutes the process of critical thinking and problem solving.

Covering a dizzying array of science and technology, and the real story of how we evolved from clouds of helium and hydrogen over 13.8 billion years.

And, around 35,000 hours of dedicated time working through the dirt to find the gold, and to tell the difference between fool’s gold and the real thing.

The facts we now must face are stark:

What got us to here, will not get us to “there”.

The status quo is unequivocally a dead end street.

I will be blunt. It is suicide.

As a species, we either adapt or die.

I am explicitly looking for the kind of people who step up to the plate when the stakes are the highest.

We are at war for our future. The stakes, ladies and gentlemen, have never been higher.

If we do not get the next ten years right — and this is a precariously narrow window — our odds of a planet that can support 8+ billion people will start to drop off.

Beating those odds is what we are explicitly here for, and getting phenomenally rich in the process.

Our specifications here are clear:

We Need Our Best Players to Be Our Best Players, across the board and up and down the ladder, from bankers and investors, to builders and creators, to major and minor orchestrators, to executive and field level agents, across every Eighteen Table and Knowledge Domain, and rippling out over every community worldwide.

I can guarantee you this: As we stand right now as a Species, we have absolutely everything it takes to build this platform, weave these ecosystems and beat those odds to 2033 and for decades to come.

The only trick is to learn to work together and to fairly distribute the rewards and share the risks.

Our only limitations are the limitations we put on ourselves and each other.

Teams that win championships don’t operate that way, and neither will we.

The gruelling work is in the upgrading of industrial era legacy institutions and systems to be quantum compatible.

This isn’t an option if we want to beat those odds and own our future.

Our other options are bleak at best, but we’ll find that out as we use Swarm Intelligence to evaluate the current reality and our options to respond.

I estimate it will take twelve months to reach the level of swarm capacity to make these evaluations and decisions.

To clarify, without cultivating the best in swarm intelligence, we’re flying blind into a reality we do not understand.

The only barrier to a better future is an unwillingness to learn.

For those who I am speaking to here, I have Zero Doubt that we are 100% capable.

It’s just adapting rapidly to the new rules of evolutionary life on earth.

The Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform and its Event Driven Design & Development Process and Mapping is an extraordinary alternative.

All it takes is our World’s natural business networks to bring it into life.

The Design and Development of this platform, the talent and capabilities, the weaving of our ecosystems is the very best investment in ourselves, our businesses and our cities that we can make today.

The current path of techno feudalism is a thin gruel for our future.

The answer is easy.

Let’s get started.

Gregory D Esau –Economic Evolutionary since 1991.

Founder — Strategist — Architect — Developer — Builder

The Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform and its portfolio of science, technology and knowledge networks



Gregory D Esau

Crowdfunding the Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform for hosting the Ecosystems of Humanity