Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

The Quantum Ecosystem Economy

Gregory D Esau
5 min readOct 10, 2023


Today’s Themes:

Moms Rule
Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

Photo by Hillshire Farm on Unsplash

Today marks the day when I put my shovel in the dirt for the groundbreaking of a platform that was designed solely to reshape the global economy based on the household unit and the global community whose purpose is to serve that household. Really, it’s Adam Smith for the 21st century. It’s Peter Drucker for the 21st century. All business activity starts with the customer.

Are we really building an….empire?

Sort of. We’ve just made some design modifications over the last 21 hundred years.

If you are not yet familiar with the Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform, you can check it out. It’s our detail and strategy sheet for things that need building and the process for building “living systems”.
Ecosystems: A Living Documentary, is an important vehicle to tell our story and get it into the mainstream media. We want the whole world to know what we’re up to.
This will eventually become the movie: “The Story of Us: We Are Our Ecosystems”, and a daily telling of the story of how courageous women and men are taking back our world and refashioning the economy on modern scientific principles.

Why Quantum? It is how our brains “work”.

We are, as Sean Carroll might say, “quantum from the start”. Metaphysically, all ‘reality’ is created through quantum fields, our brains generate our reality through the same processes that created the Universe. If that sounds trippy, it isn’t.

Consider this.

Thirteen point seven hundred billion years ago, “reality” was nothing but gargantuan clouds of gases, hydrogen and helium mostly, ‘floating’ in quantum space. That’s it.

Somehow the atoms that made up those clouds of gas, 13.7 billion years later (give or take) now make up you. And every single solitary thing you can see around you.

Everything came from there.

Somehow those atoms became us.

Gravity can’t explain that. Electromagnetism can’t explain that. The strong nuclear force can’t explain that. The weak nuclear force can’t explain that.

And mathematics sure as heck can’t explain that, as hard as we try to do so. A Fool’s Errand if there ever was one.

The question becomes, what does?

Quantum Fields Intelligence is what does. Does this make the Universe, ummm, ‘intelligent’?

Yes. And that ‘intelligence’ is built upon the self organising principles of “life”. Which, to be honest, is a made up word to describe a process we’re only now uncovering its secrets.

If we are to design and develop a platform that will unseat the “Old Boy’s Network’s” grip on our economic reality, you don’t start with the old boys theories of how the world and its economy work.

You start with Quantum Fields Intelligence. Quite simply, and to be all emphatic about it, there is no other ‘type’ of intelligence. “We” are “Quantum” from the start.

So, just what the hell is “all around us”?


While the Universe goes about its cosmic quantum business with its fancy galaxies, blackholes, stars, suns, solar systems and what not, “down here” on planet Earth, “ecosystems create our reality”.

And ecosystems created us.

Everything we see around us is the result of a planet with just the exact right amount of gravity, just the right core at its centre, just the exact right distance from its sun, just the right ingredients of “stardust”, and the self-organising intelligence of quantum fields…and ecosystems.


Are we, ummm…Stardust?? The actual *semantics aside, yes. We Are Stardust, We Are Golden, and We Have to Get Back to the Garden. Joni Mitchell wrote the script back in the sixties. We’re just picking up the tune. (*technically, it’s not “dust”, but let’s not wreck the fun here, shall we?)

So, how do we build “Rome”, and how do we start? I like science, as you may know. I start there. And all life starts with Moms. And in humans, the Men who support them.

Every other way is made to be broken.

If you want something that lasts and can’t be commandeered by dark forces, your core had better be built with Moms and the Men who support them.

I Am A Builder. I Build things to last Three Generations. I built homes. This won’t be that much different, other than scale and scope. Building right is building right, no matter an outhouse or a platform. I’ve built “your” homes before. I am superb at what I do. You can hang your hat on me.

We are a home, we are a community.

As the builder of record, we need a list of materials, ‘subs’, and craftspeople to put it all together. We need plans, drawing, details, engineering specifications, etcetera. This I have.

We need a “Shop” and a “Garage” to put it all together. And most importantly, we need a “Core”. This is your “core crew” the builder relies on to make sure everything is done right.

We are that Core. We are the Core Community to the Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform. We are the New Reality.

I am shooting to raise $100,000 by the end of the month. This will cover a bare minimum workspace, a livable salary for moi, and two others for multiple duties, like SmartFunding all developments and growing the QFIP Community.

Tomorrow, I will cover the things and people we need with which to start. We are entirely “SmartSourced and Funded”.

If you know other Amazing Moms, or the types of Men who support them. Share this story, it’s Our Story. Today is Day One. We have a long way to go to take back our world from a corrupted network of old boys. Fyi, there will also be amazing Men and the Women who support them as well. But it all starts with Moms.
We need about 150 of you “Quantum Moms” from around the world who get what we’re doing here. Quantum Dads too.

The Crucial Point Being, partners support their partners and 1 + 1 = 10. This simple formula is how the modern civilisation is built, and the bedrock upon which it rests.

Bye for now,

Master Builder.



If someone knows how to better manage a community, or any other way to bring 150 Quantum Moms and Dads with serious skills and chops to our table here, that would be super duper amazing.



Gregory D Esau

Crowdfunding the Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform for hosting the Ecosystems of Humanity