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Joe’s Garage

Gregory D Esau
4 min readNov 8, 2020


The World’s First Chopshop for Design, Strategy, Execution and High Performance Business Models

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting better results” — A Proverb

The percentage of companies that are performing at an exceptional level is shockingly low.

The aggregate real economy is performing shockingly low.

Quite frankly, anyone with the ability to analyse cannot help but looking at the big picture and seeing an unmitigated mess.

A few shining diamonds floating in a sea of turds does not an economy make.

We’re here to fix that.

We’re the world’s first chopshop for taking apart poor performing companies and remaking them for the digital economy.

The good news for us, is this makes for a large pool of customers, and little competition for our unique brand of transformation.

To put this simply, the full potential of the digital economy is effectively shackled and straight-jacketed by the old industrial models.

Even today’s platforms are, for the most part, just souped up versions of industrial era means of revenue. Retail. Advertising. Electronics. Not exactly revolutionary.

Worse, it funnels the bulk of the rewards to an every narrower band of the population while depleting an ever growing band of the population.

The rest of what’s out there are merely Faster Horses that the transformation industry keeps trying to retro-fit with wings and a pointed sword coming out of its head, and calling it a jet airplane. At best, we could call this cosmetic surgery.

People are, quite frankly, too ignorant to know any better, they’ve not a clue what good design at the macro and micro level even looks like. Nine-nine percent of the population are too busy grinding it out to even care.

This is thin gruel for true economic transformation.

We are the exact right people with the right business at the right time with the exact right strategy, with the ability to execute the most effective way to tear down a company’s model and design, and completely revamp it to outperform all others in its domain.

I believe there is between 5 to 10 trillion in value that has yet to be realized within the potential scope of the digital economy.

The past twenty years have only given us some new tools and new parts for an economy based on living systems.

Designing strategy around the fundamental science of the digital economy — living systems — provides the necessary framework for the means of execution, and the percentage of the value this new engine creates.

The best strategy for my money in staking a claim to that multi-trillion dollar pie is to be the world’s premier design firm for client’s strategy, execution engine, business models with revenue streams and profit percentages within an orchestrated strategic ecosystem.

We will explore later the specifics to our path to our ability to create the pie.

Our Design Philosophy

Let us begin by acknowledging the realities of the effects of digital networks on the economy, with regards to the acquisition of resources, adding value to those resources, and passing on the finished value offering to a paying customer at an above average profit.

Digital networks are like the tides of the ocean on an unprotected sandy beach — erosion is a constant and inevitable consequence of a greater economic operating order.

The castles companies build one year, are eroded the next.

We somehow label this progress and innovation.

The question becomes, what is the most efficient way to attract and organize value at exceptional profits in an era where networks continually erode the foundations of the old economic order?

The answer to this question can only come from a significantly enhanced view and understanding of the economic landscape, and looking for opportunities at the level of strategic ecosystems.

While still crude and mis-appropriating resources, the industrial era platforms and their stranglehold on networks and data, this model is and will continue to reshape the economic landscape, these meta-monsters of the economic oceans, turning the blue waters red with their voracious appetite and shocking disregard for the world around them.

Let’s call the current economic landscape for what it is, Jurassic Park.

Little wonder this franchise sells so well, it is eerily familiar in that “Can’t quite put my tongue on it” manner.

Competition is at the systems level, and any firm not effectively adding value to the system stands little chance.

Hence, if a firm is doing the wrong thing within the wrong system but processes the right capabilities, there is untapped potential for a greater ability for exploiting these capabilities within a greater strategy at the systems level.

Real competitive value is at the systems level, the highest level of strategy.

Let’s call this Grand Strategy.

Any firm wanting to take a bigger slice of this pie than its brethren has to do one thing better than anyone else: Design. From design flows strategy, from strategy flows execution, from execution flows exceptional profits.

And to do this within living systems, aka digital networks.

This is Ecosystem Orchestration. This is our Grand Strategy.

I believe the route to an exceptional percentage of this multi-trillion dollar pie is by becoming the world’s premier, go to shop for Ecosystem Orchestration.

It is with this in our minds, that we must proceed at an accelerating pace until we’ve turned all the waters around us a beautiful aqua blue.

We don’t look for Blue Ocean opportunities, we are the Blue Ocean in which opportunities have the best odds of exceptional success.

The only people we will work with, and develop our network capabilities with, are those who refuse to settle for anything less.

Let’s Talk Shop

I’m not hard to find. Let’s talk.



Gregory D Esau

Crowdfunding the Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform for hosting the Ecosystems of Humanity