Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

Hearts and Minds

Gregory D Esau
7 min readOct 31, 2023


Solving Problems at Platform Scale

Why Ecosystems? Why Platforms?
Why the Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform?
Why Quantum Fields Intelligence?

Let’s start with this.
If we don’t understand where we came from and how we got from “there to here”; if we don’t understand where are now, and what this current “reality” means; if we don’t know where we are going and how we are going to get there, we are operating at sub-optimal performance.
We are flying blind into the future.
Ad hoc.
Rolling the dice. Throwing darts.
The carry capacity of earth per human allowed this indiscretion up until now.
It won’t allow that into the next century.

We’ve lost touch with who we really are.
As a species that is. Homo Sapien.
It’s a name we charitably picked for ourselves.
“Wise Human”.

History is pretty clear. If you know what you are looking for.
Nature punishes the inability to adapt to current reality.
The ‘logs’, as it were, are littered with species that didn’t.
They were replaced by species that were.
Adaptive, that is.
To changing environmental conditions.
That is.

The decisions we make today will determine whether we’ll make it as civilizations into the next century.
If we think we won’t face ecological, economic and technological collapse in the next few decades or so, we’re fooling ourselves.
Hubris tends to be a precursor to collapse.

Is “collapse” inevitable?
Is is possible?
Is it probable, without corrective actions?
That’s what we’re here to find out.

Photo by James Wainscoat on Unsplash

Quantum Fields Intelligence

Quantum Mechanics + Swarm Intelligence = Quantum Fields Intelligence


Understandably, this takes a pretty comprehensive understanding of how we got here from the “Big Bang” (sic), to today, and just what is the state of our art of collective knowledge of this, um, “Wise Species”.

To do this, this “pretty comprehensive understanding”, we need to let go of the branches of Newtonian Physics, Neoclassical Economics and this idea of “predictability” and jump to the next branches, or tree if you will, of quantum mechanics and the intelligence of ecosystems.

What got us to here, will not get us to there.
Unless you are truly a modern Rip van Winkle, this is not particularly controversial.

The Industrial Revolution to the Quantum Revolution.
What does this even mean?

Mechanical was about what we could see, measure, quantify, compute.
This, plus this other thing, equals that thing.
What we did yesterday will work for tomorrow.

Life doesn’t work that way, it never did.

Revolutions, as in life, sweep aside whatever came before it to make way for what comes after that.
The gales of creative destruction, as Schumpeter noted nearly 90 years ago.

The Internet.

“This will change everything”

I didn’t stumble upon the internet.
I sought it out. CompuServe, 1994. Hyperlinks took me where I wanted to explore. I can’t recall my first (dialup ISP).
The free exchange of information, with no gatekeepers.

The greatest thing to happen to humanity since the printing press.
Freedom of information.
Freedom of association.

You know, the bedrock of democracy and free markets.
The escape from the tyranny of centralised power and control.
Adam Smith.
Founding Fathers.
The United States of America.
Give us your poor.

Power Corrupts.
Absolute Power, Corrupts Absolutely.
Separation of Church and State.
Separation of the Three Branches of Government.

In 1776, in a War of Indepence, 13 States banded together to form a new country free of the oppression of the Empires of Europe.
A New Platform, for a new approach to economic freedom and nation building.
The New World Versus the Old World.

One hundred and ninety-three years later, this scrappy little upstart put a man on the moon.
No one else has.
Was this just “Freedom of Association”?
“Freedom of Information”?

Organisation mattered.
And new forms of organisation emerged faster in the USA than anywhere else in the world.
The proof is in the pudding. As they say.

History shows that the builders and creators of “new worlds” eventually give way to gatekeepers and takers.
Freedoms are replaced with moats. “Barriers to entry” as the economists like to say.
History shows that decline soon follows.
Tick. Tock.

What was the internet to “change”?

Instead we got Peter Thiel. For a self-confessed libertarian, he doesn’t seem to know much about liberty.
Thiel favour monopolies, the very thing the US of A was Founded to be free from.
Concentration of power and wealth, instead of freedom to seek wealth free of monopoly powers.

Platforms are the new monopolies.
The new tyranny of the ‘state’.

And this Thiel-ian world is killing innovation, the way the Catholic Church killed innovation for 1750 years.
Until this revolution for independence in the “colonies”.

What is “Swarm Intelligence”?
The strategic application of autonomous, agent based information and know-how to solve problems bounded expertise cannot.
Freedom of information, freedom of association with a strategic purpose.
The “greater good” over that of an individual’s needs and wants.
Evolution favours the collective.
They’re called ecosystems, and life wouldn’t be here without them.

Evolution is the ultimate “market” arbiteur.
It could give a fuck about your opinion on the matter.
Fourteen billion years of it says so.
This is isn’t wrong.

Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash


Is Swarm Intelligence, Applied

I feel for executives worldwide.
I really do.

You’re hanging from a branch you know (or know-ish) to be a dead branch.
Either upstream, or downstream can’t see that dilemma of yours.
But you can.
Ignorance demands instant results.
You know, decisive actions based on incomplete information.
With bullseye expectations.
Madness, by any other name.

Making the leap from a dead branch to the some kind of new branch you can’t even see, let alone comprehend, isn’t easy.

Technologists will try to convince you that technology (theirs) is the answer.
VCs will try convince you that their technologists are the answer.
Now they will try convince you that “artificial” intelligence is the answer. Theirs.

As Rob Thomas wrote seven years ago, in “The End of Tech Companies”, being an, um, “tech” company is no longer a competitive differentiator.

What you need to be is a Science Company.
If an executive team (and I do mean “team”) does not have a firm grip on the science of today, and where it is going, you will lose to those who do.

And to understand the state science of today, you need Swarm Intelligence.
And that intelligence does not reside within your team. Or your org.
It lies in networks you don’t even know exist.

You can’t buy them. You can’t hire them. You can’t see them.
You can only attract them.

The Industrial Age organisational structure your company is built upon (“Certainty!” “Boundaries!”) is not the organisational structure you need for tomorrow.

You need to embrace Ecosystems.
And Ecosystems run on Networks, not bounded Hierarchies.
Flow, not Control.
Your “firm” is killing productivity in the name of productivity.

Photo by Brian Asare on Unsplash


And the Science of Information


In the Industrial Age, productivity was relatively easy to measure and reward.
In the Internet (networks) Age, this has yet to be resolved.
It’s costing us Trillions of Dollars in misappropriated, misunderstood “resources”.


The Industrial Age was about reducing complexity and uncertainty.
The Quantum Age is about embracing complexity.
And seeing what others cannot.
Building from what others cannot see, because it’s both microscopic and macroscopic at the same time.

And for this, we need “Assembly Theory”.
If we want to understand complex constructions, such as ourselves, assembly theory says we must account for the entire history of how such entities came to be.”

It’s not enough to be a science company, you need to be a life sciences company.

When I hit the internet some thirty-ish years ago, complexity science is the first thing I ran into.
Living systems.
Quantum mechanics.
Swarm Intelligence.
The Santa Fe Institute.
Brian Arthur. Stuart Kauffman. Murray Gell-Mann. John Holland.
Radical Uncertainty.

When I set out five years later, with the foolish ambition of ADD fueled curiosity and dreams of changing how the world thought, to build a ‘platform’ to capture this “swarm intelligence” that the internet could now enable, I began with the bedrock of complexity.
Everything else was a fiction we told ourselves to make sense of an incomprehensible World in an incomprehensible Universe.

All “my” networks were built to understand, not to self-promote or sell shit.
Web1: Sell shit.
Web2: Sell shit.
Web3: Sell even more shit.

That’s not good enough for where we are going.
Ecosystems are the only sustainable form of organisation.
Ecosystems are the only thing to outsmart the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
Ecosystems are the Economics of the Quantum Age.
The Natural Laws of Universe over made up shit from ghosts of Christmas past.

Quantum Fields Intelligence Platforms

Designed from Day One to Harness the Swarm Intelligence of Ecosystems

Hearts and Minds.
Minds and Bodies.
People who give a shit about the Right Stuff.
People who can tell the difference between the Right Stuff and the Wrong Stuff.
A Platform based on the Natural Laws of the Universe.

If you are an executive.
From the household right up to Big Corp & Big Gov, and everything in between, if you are not running your operation on QFI, you are running a sub-optimal operation.
This is demonstrable.
Not easily, because we don’t have the platform to capture and measure, but the case is pretty airtight. Should you chose to look.

I’m on a mission to find you.
And bring you onboard.

Life inside of a QFI Ecosystem will be a hell of a lot more productive than outside a QFI Ecosystem.
Not unlike the difference between a rainforest on the edge of an ocean, and that of a desert in the middle of a desert. Oil notwithstanding. (nature appears to have a sense of irony).

Call me.



Gregory D Esau

Crowdfunding the Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform for hosting the Ecosystems of Humanity