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The New Science
Organisational Performance

Gregory D Esau
4 min readFeb 27, 2024



Just as the Industrial Revolution spurred new ways of thinking and working to reduce complexity and maximise efficiency through mechanisation, the open ended nature of the internet and digital technologies is spurring the need for new ways of thinking and working to reduce complexity and maximise the efficiency and effectiveness of people and technology working together through organic, evolutionary based ‘mechanisation’.

Through the Quantum Reality Show & The Newly Ordered World Player’s Tour (in pre-production), we will be exploring on an everyday basis what is known about performance in ecosystems and how we design and develop our collective intelligence, networks, platforms to create maximum leverage of these ecosystems.

The Cause and Effect predictability of mechanical efficiency is replaced with the natural laws of quantum mechanics, living systems and the concept of Flow through “streaming services”.

From systems of rigidity and maintenance to systems of never ending adaptations in continuous evolution to the customer’s demands at the moment.

From an Economy based on Speculative Supply to one of Custom Demand, dramatically reducing waste.

From an Economy based on the principles of Push to an Economy based on the principles of Pull.

Scientific Foundation

Intelligence is a byproduct of ecosystems and quantum mechanics.

High density, high agency, widely diverse ecosystems produce ever more complex forms of intelligence.

The social brain of Homo Sapien is the product of these evolutionary processes of ecosystems and quantum mechanics.

The quality of the next generation of platform based social systems through which work is produced will be directly correlated with its quality of ecosystems and functional literacy of quantum mechanics and evolutionary biology.
Design, Architecture and Engineering is social intelligence applied.

Applying these skills in the Age of Open AI, Open Networks, Platforms and Ecosystems is the next great leap in the social intelligence of cities.

Ecosystem Management and Orchestration through a platform with truly distributed ownership is the next great leap in sustainable economic growth sympatico with the earth’s homo-economic activities.
Ecosystemonics bring together macro and micro economics, and classical and quantum physics together to give us one cohesive framework from which to collectively and individually understand our world and our roles within it.

Living Systems

Economies by nature are living systems with no central control.
For our purposes, living systems and networks are essentially synonymous.

As our understanding of the living systems of everyday life on earth has increased exponentially over the last thirty years, the industrial age institutions governing these living systems have remained static, institutions designed for a world that no longer exists, putting a straight jacket on the full potential of the internet and networks.

Platform based Ecosystems can only be fully realised through the applications of the state of science and technology free of the current boundaries imposed by industrial era models and thinking.

All living systems, or natural systems, are based on flows in networks.

By engaging in the design and development processes, early adopters to the Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform will have a first mover’s advantage in adapting the sciences and technologies of today for building tomorrow’s worlds of orchestrated ecosystems.

The Power of Networks in Cities

By far and away the most powerful application of the QGI platform is capturing the staggering power and potential of a metropolitan’s networks.

This is far and away the most significant strategic element to the QFI Model, capturing the collective intelligence and intellectual properties of cities through their networks.

It is how networks form never ending combinations that create all new value.

Cities will be the key to realising the $70–100 trillion dollars in new market value ecosystems are projected to create over the next twenty year economic cycle.
What does this mean in practical terms? Metropolitan business people and civic governance will be the biggest winners as multiple long and short term cycles synchronise in this generational bloom.

Investing in Equosystems

Investing in Equosystems is fundamentally different from any other typical product/service start-up.

This is why we will greatly encourage following the daily Quantum Reality Show “request packages” for allocating your investments in portfolios pertinent to the system’s development.

This is an entirely different way for “venture capital” to be invested.

It is important to appreciate the difference in custom platform development based on daily beta users and developers organic requirements.

This is an intrinsic feature of ecosystems, operating like open 24/7 markets for continuous resource allocations.

Investing in QFI Equosystems is investing in our cities and investing in ourselves in ways no other model in existence can capture.

Profits get reinvested in the very civic ecosystems most responsible for profit generation, a virtuous cycle of regenerative adaptation.

This is the science of investing as we set to enter the 2nd quarter of the 21st Century.



Gregory D Esau

Crowdfunding the Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform for hosting the Ecosystems of Humanity