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Ecosystems: A Living Documentary

Gregory D Esau
4 min readOct 6, 2023


“Who owns our future?”


Ecosystems can transform the economic landscape and raise the standard of living for billions of people in ways no other organising model can.

The question is: What’s holding them back?

This living documentary aspires to unravel the secrets behind what makes ecosystems so powerful, to tell the stories of the courageous women and men behind the philosophies, sciences, technologies and initiatives that underpin them, and the stories of everyday people who would thrive in this new economic landscape.

A breathtaking synthesis, this ensemble of dynamic characters will take us on a mind-bending journey through quantum mechanics, neurology, networks, complexity, platforms, ecosystems, evolutionary biology and economics, information theory, computer science, bleeding edge technologies, artificial and swarm intelligence, multi-dimensional network visualisation, “digital properties”, the world of business, cities, communities, practices, tempered with sobering look into our current reality.

Far from helpless, Ecosystems: A Living Documentary will show that as a united species, we can empower change, adaptability and lifestyles that are both rewarding and prosperous where small, orchestrated action can create waves of change that will unite the world.

Both a film in development and a day to day look into those working around the world to bring ecosystems to life, this groundbreaking media vehicle promises to open the eyes of the world to an entirely new “land” of opportunities, liberty and fraternity.

Financial Support

As ecosystems are by “nature” decentralised, funding for this project reflects this nature.

We are looking for financial, intellectual, social, reputation and engagement support from all those around the world who believe in humanity and our gift for collective action and ingenuity that have been the hallmark of our species for tens of thousands of years.

Opening Cast of Characters (with many more to come)

Gregory D Esau: Gregory’s story is one of a lifetime journey to understand why economics and politics is in such disarray and letting down so many people. An internet native since 1994, Gregory has been on a mission to bring the original promise of the internet to its full bloom. Grounded in the science of collective intelligence and an unwavering belief in the power of people united, this is a story that will move you, shape you, and completely change your mind about what the future can be. From the highest highs, to the lowest lows, this isn’t just the story of one man’s journey, this is the Story of Us.

Celine Schillenger: Celine’s story is that of a courageous departure from the corporate world and its systemic issues around our culture — “it was old and dusty, detrimental to our own business and its customers” that led her to join forces with colleagues to create change in the workplace. Author of the award winning book, Dare to Un-Lead and Knighted under the National Order of Merit, Celine is truly a global inspiration.

Simone Cicero: Simone has been a leading figure in the “Boundaryless Organization”, and has been recognized as a Thinkers50 Radar 2020 honoree for his contribution to management ideas. Simone writes, speaks, and teaches about platformization, ecosystems, and entrepreneurship, and is always eager to learn from and collaborate with others who share his vision.

Rita McGrath: Rita has been featured in the Thinker’s 50 book, “Ecosystem Inc” and is a globally recognised author, speaker, professor and strategist.

Martin Reeves: As chairman of the BCG Henderson Institute, Martin has been one of the leading proponents of the ecosystematic organisation for the past decade.

Maria Santacaterina: A longtime global leader at the intersection of sustainability, innovation and technology with an eye on ethics, risk management and digital transformation, Marie’s new book, Adaptive Resilience brings fresh insights along with her passion and knowledge as welcome ingredients to a better future for all.

Gary Hamel: Gary has been “Leading the Revolution” for radical change in the bureaucratic organisation, capped by his 2020 book, Humanocracy: Creating Organisations as Amazing as the People Inside Them.

Ed Morrison: Few people have traversed the territory of the limits of the industrial organisation than Ed. A culmination of a long and storied career, Strategic Doing captures the power of networks for creating real change where it matters, in community and cities.

Bill Schmarzo: The Dean of Big Data, Bill unravels the mystery of “big data” for citizens and CEOs alike. An electric speaker and unrivalled mind, Bill connects the esoteric nature of ‘data’ to practical applications in AI and enterprise IT.

Roland Deiser: As a Drucker Senior Fellow, Founder and Chairman of the Center for the Future of Organization, Roland brings a unique and broad perspective with a calm passion for the power of ecosystems to transform the economic landscape.

Michelle Holliday: A fiery speaker, Michelle epitomises the “living” in ecosystems. In The Age of Thrivability, Michelle weaves a narrative that invites us to see organisations, community and the entirety of humanity as dynamic, self-organising living systems.

Leda Glyptis: Leda bridges the gap between her old world of banking and new world of fintech like few others.

Paulo Sironi: Author of the Banks and Fintech on Platform Economies: Contextual and Conscious Banking, Paulo connects the dots to the future of banking and platforms.

A small sample of the people we’ll meet, this living documentary will criss-cross the world to weave together the real story of the the internet, providing humanity with an alternative narrative to our future than that of the one driven by tech titans and their lust for power and profits at the expense of people and place.

This is the story of who owns our future:
Or We, The People?

This is Our Story. The Story of Us.



Gregory D Esau

Crowdfunding the Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform for hosting the Ecosystems of Humanity