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Blue Ocean Productions Studios Presents

Gregory D Esau
3 min readNov 20, 2023


Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform

Life Flows, So Do We

The first platform to fully support the free flow in Ecosystems for the delivery of intelligent goods and services.

What you want, how you want it, when you want it — at the speed of life.

The economy is the aggregate of commercial actions of exchange between people.

Economies are the daily activities of exchanges among people.

Somebody is producing.

Somebody is buying what’s produced.

Flow is the natural state of ecosystems for moving what is needed, where it’s needed, when it’s needed, how it’s needed. Naturally decentralised, with zero central control.
A precision of quality and diversity with delivery in nature that no human made industrial model can possibly match.

QFI Ecosystems replace the industrial age structures of a bygone era with the flow of intelligence, goods, and services free of the friction, impediments and distortions of archaic economic ideologies and their outdated systems.

Life is in a Constant State of Flow

Why wouldn’t your intelligence, your goods, your services?

Friction and contaminated intelligence is the silent killer of productivity and the profitable economic activity of all people.

Life does not have to be this way.

Ecosystems are Interconnected and Interdependent Networks

All living things function effectively and efficiently through differentiated interconnected, interdependent microscopic and macroscopic networks.

Improving your networks through high performance ecosystems is what will make belonging to the Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform the most gratifying way to improve the quality of all manners of life.

Let go of the outdated concepts of control and begin to embrace the art of Ecosystem Orchestration.

Quality of life is directly interdependent on the quality of your network’s ecosystems.

Why settle for poor performing networks and ecosystems?

Leave the world of contaminated information and maddening friction behind.

Join The QFIP, join The Flow, be The Flow.

QFI for Life

High Value Players: Unlimited Opportunities Await You in QFIP

Paradigm shifts in economic organisation and the scientific understanding of how life works come along in waves measured by the hundreds of years.

Ecosystems will prove to be the most significant paradigm in human history.

A Quantum Leap by any measure.

There are HVP networks woven through the global economy, unseen, undetected, undervalued, receiving fractions of their true interdependent value creativity in return..

The QFI Platform was tailor made just for you, for your networks.

Your current organisational structure cannot possibly capture the value you create every day through your networks the way the QFI Platform will.

Ecosystems create emergent high value properties in ways no existing organisation can.

Stop limiting yourself. Stop leaving value on tables you can’t even see.

Orchestrate your Ecosystems in ways you can scarcely dream of today.

Join the QFI, Join The Flow, Be The Flow.

Create New Value, Capture New Value though high performing networks in your Ecosystems.

Shape markets in ways not possible through current platforms and economic ideologies.

Be the Player you are truly meant to be.

Own Your Platform, Own Your Ecosystems, Own Your Customers, Own Your Future.

QFI For Our Life. Your Customer’s Life, Your Life

Why Settle for Anything Less?



Gregory D Esau

Crowdfunding the Quantum Fields Intelligence Platform for hosting the Ecosystems of Humanity